Concrete solutions for your challenges

What is stopping you from shaping the next generation of your business? We offer you tried and tested solutions in four service areas. For the focused identification, strengthening and development of the drivers of your entrepreneurial value creation of tomorrow.

Align Integrate Reflektieren

Awakening the desire for new value creation

We start with "leading from the future", awaken the productive energy throughout the company and develop an inspiring image of the future that inspires customers, owners, investors and employees.

Potential Checklist 01

Hidden potentials diagnosis

In a 2-day workshop, we analyze the business and organization holistically for hidden improvement potential and develop a common view of the status quo of the company and the relevant focus areas for future development.


Inspiring vision of the future

In an integrating, joint process, we develop an inspiring yet concrete image of the future for the company, sharpen the common attitudes to essential topics and formulate the strategic requirements to be met by the organization in the future.


The company's DNA for success

In a process that has proven itself over many years, we work together "bottom-up" to identify the known and the still hidden success drivers of your business. Condense them into a unique performance positioning - and make their valuable performance contribution to the joint, future success with your customers clear in detail to all departments.



Emotionalisierung und Veranschaulichung der Zukunftsszenarien in der für sie geeigneten Form (Bild, Film, Audio).

Strengthen the power of attraction in the market

We structure the offering and create a unique service position with high appeal for tomorrow's customers - based on corporate strengths and with focus areas to increase growth and profitability.

Potential Checklist 02

Customer-centric service improvement

We systematically look at the company and its services from the customer's perspective, capture the relevant "customer journeys" and identify focus areas and tasks for customer-centric service improvement.


Offer architecture

We record the entire range of services offered by the company. We evaluate the services according to economic, strategic and synergetic criteria. And we develop an architecture of services that is assertive in the market and can be used to open up new growth areas.


Growth in the core business

We are launching the counter-program to the usual product range inflation, which can often lead to complete growth stagnation. To do this, we reactivate the assertiveness of the leader products. Mobilize the potential products in a targeted manner. Focus the product range step by step without losing sales - and realize new growth with significantly reduced complexity costs.


Unternehmerischer Auftrag

Verschriftlichung der Eigentümerstrategie in einer einfachen, verbindlichen und klar verständlichen Art und Weise.



Wir identifizieren die richtigen Gefässe und Personen, mittels denen der Auftrag Eingang in die Organisation findet und Bezugspunkt von Handlungen und Entscheidungen wird.

Mobilizing the organization

We create the conditions for productive organizational dynamics in order to be able to realize the "Next Generation" with drive and joy as a powerful team - parallel to the demanding business operations today.

Potential Checklist 03

Customer-centric organizational design

Every organizational form has its advantages and disadvantages. In a proven "maturation process", we help our clients to train the best possible organizational form for their specific culture and management form - and to establish a high-performance culture that focuses with full force on the customer and his or her path through the company.



Emotionalisierung und Veranschaulichung der Zukunftsszenarien in der für Sie geeigneten Form (Bild, Film, Audio).

Stabilizing the implementation

We promote and stabilize agile, goal-oriented future work across all functional areas - and ensure that ambitious corporate goals are achieved.

Potential Checklist 04

NextGen Fitness Training

In regular NextGen team workshops and sparring rounds with future shapers from all areas, we take the company's development forward step by step in a "learning by doing" process.


NextGen Garage Events

We organize inspiring collaboration events in which people work openly, constructively and across all hierarchical and divisional boundaries on challenges that have yet to be solved.


NextGen Pilot Projects

Together with selected employees of our customers, we form an integrated NextGen power team and build up a new, future-oriented performance in a strategically important field of action within a very short time.

01 Clarity & Direction

Awakening the desire for new value creation

Align Integrate Reflektieren

We start with "leading from the future", awaken the productive energy throughout the company and develop an inspiring image of the future that inspires customers, owners, investors and employees.

Potential Checklist 01

Hidden potentials diagnosis

In a 2-day workshop, we analyze the business and organization holistically for hidden improvement potential and develop a common view of the status quo of the company and the relevant focus areas for future development.


Inspiring vision of the future

In an integrating, joint process, we develop an inspiring yet concrete image of the future for the company, sharpen the common attitudes to essential topics and formulate the strategic requirements to be met by the organization in the future.


The company's DNA for success

In a process that has proven itself over many years, we work together "bottom-up" to identify the known and the still hidden success drivers of your business. Condense them into a unique performance positioning - and make their valuable performance contribution to the joint, future success with your customers clear in detail to all departments.



Emotionalisierung und Veranschaulichung der Zukunftsszenarien in der für sie geeigneten Form (Bild, Film, Audio).

02 Consolidation & Differentiation

Strengthen the power of attraction in the market

Align Integrate Reflektieren

We structure the offering and create a unique service position with high appeal for tomorrow's customers - based on corporate strengths and with focus areas to increase growth and profitability.

Potential Checklist 02

Customer-centric service improvement

We systematically look at the company and its services from the customer's perspective, capture the relevant "customer journeys" and identify focus areas and tasks for customer-centric service improvement.


Offer architecture

We record the entire range of services offered by the company. We evaluate the services according to economic, strategic and synergetic criteria. And we develop an architecture of services that is assertive in the market and can be used to open up new growth areas.


Growth in the core business

We are launching the counter-program to the usual product range inflation, which can often lead to complete growth stagnation. To do this, we reactivate the assertiveness of the leader products. Mobilize the potential products in a targeted manner. Focus the product range step by step without losing sales - and realize new growth with significantly reduced complexity costs.


Unternehmerischer Auftrag

Verschriftlichung der Eigentümerstrategie in einer einfachen, verbindlichen und klar verständlichen Art und Weise.



Wir identifizieren die richtigen Gefässe und Personen, mittels denen der Auftrag Eingang in die Organisation findet und Bezugspunkt von Handlungen und Entscheidungen wird.

03 Leadership & Structure

Mobilizing the organization

Align Integrate Reflektieren

We create the conditions for productive organizational dynamics in order to be able to realize the "Next Generation" with drive and joy as a powerful team - parallel to the demanding business operations today.

Potential Checklist 03

Customer-centric organizational design

Every organizational form has its advantages and disadvantages. In a proven "maturation process", we help our clients to train the best possible organizational form for their specific culture and management form - and to establish a high-performance culture that focuses with full force on the customer and his or her path through the company.



Emotionalisierung und Veranschaulichung der Zukunftsszenarien in der für Sie geeigneten Form (Bild, Film, Audio).

04 Execution & Momentum

Stabilizing the implementation

Align Integrate Reflektieren

We promote and stabilize agile, goal-oriented future work across all functional areas - and ensure that ambitious corporate goals are achieved.

Potential Checklist 04

NextGen Fitness Training

In regular NextGen team workshops and sparring rounds with future shapers from all areas, we take the company's development forward step by step in a "learning by doing" process.


NextGen Garage Events

We organize inspiring collaboration events in which people work openly, constructively and across all hierarchical and divisional boundaries on challenges that have yet to be solved.


NextGen Pilot Projects

Together with selected employees of our customers, we form an integrated NextGen power team and build up a new, future-oriented performance in a strategically important field of action within a very short time.